

Savex Minerals LTD

“SAVEX MINERALS” Ltd. is one of the largest national producers, developer and innovator of molded refractories in Ukraine. Insulating mixture for cast iron ladles It is used for warming the cast iron mirror during transportation and sludge of the cast iron ladle. The mixture has a high flowability and liquid mobility. Due to its chemical composition, it helps reduce the formation of walling and skull of cast iron ladles. The mixture does not contain toxic elements and does not emit toxic gases while it is on the metal mirror, so it does not pollute the surrounding atmosphere and does not affect the gas level of the blast furnace and mixing plants. …

Savex Minerals LTD

Country: Ukraine
Address: Dnipro-Dnipro-4 Havanskay
Postal Code: 49127
Website: https://savexminerals.com/en/

Savex Minerals LTD

Address: Dnipro-Dnipro-4 Havanskay Postal Code: 49127 Website: https://savexminerals.com/en/

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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